Emotional tension and the day to day stresses that life throws at us can manifest in headaches caused by a stiff neck and shoulders and the body generally tensing up in response to stress
Holistic massage therapy deals with you as a 'whole'. It is not just looking to treat the symptoms, but to establish the cause, whether it be internal or external. Massage benefits are both mind and body.
According to the Massage Association, research has verified that office workers massaged regularly were more alert, performed better and were less stressed than those who weren't massaged.
A regular massage, weekly if posible, will keep the body tuned. It helps taut muscles learn to relax and this, combined with strokes to aid lymphatic drainage, helps to release toxins.
Research continues to show the enormous benefits of massage. The medical benefits are very well documented with hundreds of books devoted to the health benefits. The benefits of receiving massage are numerous: alleviate low-back pain, enhance immunity, exercise weak or tight muscles, increase joint flexibility, pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, reduce spasms and cramping, promote tissue regeneration.
For a massage practitioner, a wide range of massage techniques must be mastered, including gentle massage, stretches, relaxation work and very deep tissue techniques. Most massage courses will give you a strong foundation in Swedish massage, deep tissue massage and Shiatsu. However, there are many other forms of bodywork, ranging from Myofascial Release to Reiki and Indian head massage.
Learn the basic techniques by singing up to a massage course in London!